Release of v2023.1

Image of laptop with login screen for Swarm Control Center on transparent background. Above the laptop are balloons in green, light green and light gray


And welcome to this year’s first release! Below, you will find all the details about version 2023.1!

Before we dig right into it, we would like to present our already mentioned recent streamlining steps, which help to simplify our offer for you and your end customers even more:

We have renamed our Traffic Intelligence, Parking Monitoring and Traffic Safety solutions to Traffic Insights, Parking Insights and Advanced Traffic Insights. Why did we do that? We think it’s much easier to grasp how our solutions can help with all traffic and parking related challenges without limiting our solutions to specific use cases. At the end of the day, it’s all about flexibility, especially for such a complex field as optimization of traffic and parking management.

Three boxes next to each other. Left: Traffic Insights as headline, below three bullet points: Specific class detection (10+1), Turning Behaviour, Real-time speed analysis; in the middle saying "Parking Insights" as headline, below again three bullet points: License Plate Reading (LPR), Single- and multi-space detection, Real-time occupation and parking capacities for PGS integration; in the box on the right the headline says "Advanced Traffic Insights" with the following three bullet points: Journey time for flow analysis, classification of traffic flow (commute, visit, transit) and safety and risk analysis

Along with our solution areas, we also defined three main usage areas. Whether you are a customer or a partner, we hope to even better support and help you define the best solution package for you and your use case – either your own or your customer’s.

One smaller, gray circle in the middle saying "Swarm Usage Areas", three bigger circles around that. The top one saying "urban" with an icon of an intersection, the right one saying "Tourism" with an icon of a path and trees and the one on the left saying "Regional" with an icon of cars driving on a road next to each other.

That said, let’s talk about version 2023.1!

New Key Feature

Advanced Traffic Insights: Journey Time and Traffic Flow

This is a game-changing feature for our Advanced Traffic Insights solution: The ability to analyze traffic across multiple SWARM sensors (locations) and gain even deeper insights intro traffic behavior.

Our new key feature provides you with journey times and a statistical distribution of traffic flows by combining data from multiple SWARM Perception Boxes. Using a GDPR-compliant method, we match pseudonymized license plates to gather traffic counting data with classification into three classes (carbus and truck) and match journeys between different locations.

This feature is a significant upgrade to our already powerful Traffic Insights solution, providing even more valuable information about traffic patterns and behavior. By combining data from multiple locations, you will gain a more comprehensive view of traffic in your area, allowing you to make more informed decisions and take action to improve traffic flow.

With our Data Analytics tool, you can easily analyze and visualize the average, median, and various percentiles of journey time aggregated over time. This gives you a better understanding of traffic patters and helps you make data-driven decisions to optimize traffic flow.

screenshot of Data Analytics with a widget showing the journey times at Amraserstraße in Innsbruck

In addition, you can organize the number and distribution of trips in the form of a matrix. This gives you a clear overview and enables you to identify areas that may require further attention or improvement.

Screenshot of two widgets from Data Analytics from Swarm Control Center (Journey distribution matrix) and traffic counting

We are excited to bring you this new feature and believe it will deliver significant value to those looking to optimize traffic flow and improve overall traffic efficiency. Try it out for yourself and experience the power of our Advanced Traffic Insights solution with this new multi-location analysis feature.

New Feature

SWARM Control Center: Camera Configuration

Introducing our new camera configuration feature, designed to make camera settings easier and more convenient. With this function, you can now adjust various camera settings directly in our SWARM Control Center, saving you time and streamlining your workflow.

For basic and essential settings required to operate our various solutions, we offer a recommended settings option that makes it even easier for you to set the most valuable camera settings straight away.

For those who want more control, our advanced camera settings option allows you to make changes to settings as shutter speed or zoom. This can be found on a second tab, giving you the flexibility to customize your camera settings to your exact needs.

We know that camera adjustments can be complex and essential for high quality data. That is why we developed this feature to simplify the process and make it more accessible to everyone. Our camera configuration feature is just one example of our commitment to creating user-friendly solutions that make a real difference for our customers. See more details about the configuration in our technical documentation.

Screenshot of camera configuration with camera image of road, left to it the different camera settings such as brightness, contracts, saturation and many more


Besides new features, we also worked on improvements for our existing ones:

Blurred Preview Frame
Presenting our new blurred preview frame feature that hides personal data while still providing valuable insights. Objects in the preview image are pixelated to ensure privacy, but administrators can still retrieve a non-blurred image for calibration of ANPR and journey time use cases. This feature perfectly balances privacy and accuracy and underlines our commitment to data protection.

Road of four lines, two in one and two in the other direction, on it several cars with blurred license plates.

ANPR Accuracy
We are excited to announce a significant increase in accuracy for our Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology. Through several model and performance enhancements, we were able to increase accuracy by four to five percent for our barrier-free parking use case with ANPR. In real-world test cases conducted in our Performance Lab, we achieved an impressive average accuracy of 97%.

More Stability for Traffic & Parking Models 
We are pleased to report that we have made major improvements to our traffic and parking models. With a focus on stability, we have been able to reduce false detections that may have caused issues for some installations, particularly when using Region of Interest event triggers.

New Product Datasheet
Instead of datasheets just for our SWARM Perception Boxes, we did a little bit of rework here and you can now enjoy one datasheet for our product with all its sections, meaning our Control Center, architecture, Edge, Cloud and hardware. Take a look at it here!

Car traffic on road with four lines, all license plates are blurred. On the road itself, two focus areas were digitally inserted in the Swarm Control Center

Additional Configuration Option: Focus Area
We are happy to show you a new configuration option: Focus Area. With this function, you can now configure detection to focus on a specific area within the video stream. This way, our software only considers detections in that area, which improves processing performance and increases output quality.

This new option is particularly useful for installations where only a specific area is important to the use case. Our Advanced Traffic Insights solution as well as Barrierless Parking and Barrierless Parking with ANPR benefit greatly from this, as they can achieve outstanding accuracies as defined in our specifications.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this release!

As usual, we offered an online live demo for this release. Feel free to check out the recording of it here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us!


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and trust in our product. We hope that our new features will exceed your expectations.


And as always: Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or feedback!

Best regards from Innsbruck,

your Swarm Analytics team

Stay connected!

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Image of laptop with login screen for Swarm Control Center on transparent background. Above the laptop are balloons in green, light green and light gray
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Image of laptop with login screen for Swarm Control Center on transparent background. Above the laptop are balloons in green, light green and light gray
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